Martha libster, PHD, MSN, APRN-CNS

Golden Apple Healing Arts,LLC provides health consultation and education services led by board-certified Advanced Practice Nurses, who specialize in holistic integrative health solutions with plants as partners. Golden Apple Healing Arts provides memberships to access thousands of precision Self-care resources and webinars within its Self-care institute.

Our services and resources support your everyday decisions that have tremendous importance to the health of you and your family. Rather than focusing on disease, we are salutogenic and focus on health patterns and health promotion.

Members also have access to educational programs rooted in the best in time-honored healing traditions demonstrated in the “wisdom of the circle” that is the Choreosophy Institute. We have been providing virtual caring services for 2o years and continue a history of nursing that values affordable access to personalized care that is simple-to-apply, while being highly meaningful, mindful, and memorable!

Disclaimer: All physicians and other health care professionals (“Practitioners”) listed on Join the Wedge’s (“JTW”) website ( have represented to JTW and its affiliate, the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (“CCHF”) that the Practitioner is properly licensed and in compliance with JTW Principles. Neither JTW nor CCHF has independently verified any listed Practitioner’s representations. Neither JTW nor CCHF is responsible for any Practitioner’s failure to comply with JTWPrinciples. Neither JTW nor CCHF is responsible for or makes any representation regarding the quality of any listed Practitioner’s services.