Steven Borene, MD
Joshua Johnston, MD

Renovo Health exists for three reasons.  We provide exceptional, patient centered, specialty procedural care.  We provide these services at greatly reduced prices compared to legacy health systems.  We reconnect care givers with their primary mission, the patient.

All three are made possible by the elimination of third party payers and, therefore, returning to patient centered health care.

Opening Spring 2024

Disclaimer: All physicians and other health care professionals (“Practitioners”) listed on Join the Wedge’s (“JTW”) website ( have represented to JTW and its affiliate, the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (“CCHF”) that the Practitioner is properly licensed and in compliance with JTW Principles. Neither JTW nor CCHF has independently verified any listed Practitioner’s representations. Neither JTW nor CCHF is responsible for any Practitioner’s failure to comply with JTWPrinciples. Neither JTW nor CCHF is responsible for or makes any representation regarding the quality of any listed Practitioner’s services.