
Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center offers a wide variety of services focused on the following areas of integrative health.

Our Commitment


  • To be thorough

  • To provide options

  • To be good listeners

  • To be open minded to new ideas

  • To dig deeper to find solutions

  • To investigate new innovations for improving health

  • To impact people’s lives

  • To give hope

    We are fully-cash based since 1996. We neither participate with Medicare, or Medicaid, nor do we have electronic medical records. We provide a HCFA receipt after your visit for your insurance provider.  We provide IV therapies, bioidentical hormone evaluations, nutritional laboratory assessments, and a variety of other integrative medical programs, including supplements and neutraceuticals.


Disclaimer: All physicians and other health care professionals (“Practitioners”) listed on Join the Wedge’s (“JTW”) website (www.jointhewedge.com) have represented to JTW and its affiliate, the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (“CCHF”) that the Practitioner is properly licensed and in compliance with JTW Principles. Neither JTW nor CCHF has independently verified any listed Practitioner’s representations. Neither JTW nor CCHF is responsible for any Practitioner’s failure to comply with JTWPrinciples. Neither JTW nor CCHF is responsible for or makes any representation regarding the quality of any listed Practitioner’s services.